15 March 2014

GOT: purple – monarch butterflies

Apologies, I am late in posting this. And double apologies – I didn't do a very good job of clean up before these photos. In the meantime my nails look a lot cleaner, but no pics of that! But this will not keep me from being absolutely enamored in this mani! Can't stop looking at my nails! Gradient purple monarch butterflies.

All the polishes are way over a year old. I started with two coats of OPI A Grape Fit. A nice creamy full tone purple. This was followed by a two coat gradient of a england Avalon. Avalon is a much underused colour on my end. It just seems so bright when I wear it alone. The wrong type of bright, I guess. I want to wear it, but then I don't like it on. Might have to do with my skin tone.

The tips were gradiented with one coat of Orly Fowl Play, a beautiful purple with opalescent flecks in it. So the tips have some orange and red coming through. Depending on the light, more or less. I fast dry top coated all of this before continuing. Probably waited about 15 minutes.

Then I drew/painted the lines and tips in black (any ol' black, combo of striper, polish and acrylic brush) and dotted white spots on the tips. I top coated with a thick coat of Poshé being careful just to hover the brush over the nail (no smears). After an hour or so another top coat of Out the Door.

right hand
I have a glammy mani client late this afternoon! Just a one-offer as she is visiting the area, but still - maybe some good word-of-mouth ?! I invested in 40 flyers but am uncertain as where to hang them out still. I dropped one off at the gym and hung one at the local supermarket. It has probably already vanished from there. The ladies who work there aren't very nice and take down things. Not really fair, but nothing I can do about it. It is free advertising but it seems the motorsport weekend flyers stay up forever.

Business-wise our renewal deadline has come and gone. We have not been able to sell the business so are now officially in countdown mode. We may get lucky and the landlord will find a new tenant who will buy the chattels off us. I doubt it, though. We feel the property owner doesn't really care much about us and our situation. Otherwise, we are loathe to even think about the work involved in clearing out. As Scarlet would say: we'll put that off till tomorrow!


  1. Replies
    1. thx!! I still love staring at them (!) and still looking good on day 3!!! fingers crossed for another chip - tip wear free day!

  2. These are BEAUTIFUL! That purple just looks BRILLIANT as the wing color. Lovely look :)

    1. thx! all the purple tones blend so well together! still going strong on day four, but I did redo top coat last night.


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